1 |
Tamil Nadu Urban Health Care Project supported by Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) Provision of Madurai Operation Theaters and Medical gas Pipeline System to Four Government Hospital Avadi , Velampalayam Kandiyaperi and Ammapet approved by State Empowered Commettee -Administrative and Finacial sanction Orders-Issued |
G.O.(Ms) No.110 Dt: 30.03.2022 |
2 |
Tamil Nadu Urban Health Care supported by Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA)administrative and Financial sanction towards the provision of Moduler and Hybrid Operation Theaters Three tertiary of Kilpauk Medical college Hospital,Coimbatore Medical college Hospital, Governrment Rajaji Hospital. |
G.O.(Ms) No.111 Dt: 30.03.2022 |
3 |
Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA)administrative and Financial sanction towards the provision of Medical Equipements to Three tertiary of Kilpauk Medical college Hospital,Coimbatore Medical college Hospital, Governrment Rajaji Hospital. |
G.O.(Ms) No.54 Dt: 14.02.2022 |
4 |
Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA)administrative and Financial sanction towards the provision of Medical Equipements to Foure tertiary Avadi,Velampalayam,Kandiyaperi,Ammapet Hospitals. |
G.O.(Ms) No.55 Dt: 14.02.2022 |
5 |
Component 4 Strengthening of Hospital Management Training cost Rs.8.30 crores sanction accorded order |
G.O.(Ms) No.305 Dt: 30.06.2021 |
6 |
Component 5 strengtheing of Training Insitutes of PH Poonamallee and Madurai |
G.O.(Ms) No.110 Dt: 26.02.2021 |
7 |
Demolishing buildings in the campus of the Government in the coimbatore Medical College Hospital, for Construction of the new Building under the TNUHCP |
G.O (Ms) No.403 Dt 03.10.2020 |
8 |
Construction of Secondary care hospital |
G.O.(Ms) No.80 Dt: 5.3.2020 |
9 |
Establishment of State Health System Resource Centre (SHSRC) at.Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,Chennai and Constitution of Governing Body and Executive Committe |
G.O.(Ms) No.81 Dt 05.03.2020 |
10 |
Demolition and Relocation of services for Construction of Kilpauk Medical College Hospital, Chennai at a cost of granted |
G.O. (Ms) No.33 Dt 29.01.2020 |
11 |
Administrative And Financial Sanction for Tertiary care Hospitals detailed estimate (Comp I) H&FW EAP II - 1 (Corrected) |
G.O.(Ms) No.576 Dt: 30.12.2019 |
12 |
H&FW EAP-II -1 Hi tech Medical Equipment with Attachments |
G.O.(Ms) No.483 Dt: 22.10.2019 |
13 |
TNUHP supported by JICA - State Empowered Committee Proposal No. 4 approved by the State Empowered committee - Orders issued |
G.O.(Ms) No.403 Dt: 05.09.2018 |
14 |
Establishment ofState Health System Resource Centre (SHSRC) at.Indian Institute of Technology, Madras,Chennai and Constitution of Governing Body and Executive Committe |
G.O (Ms) No.128 Dt 12.04.2018 |
15 |
Selection of consultant - Approved by the State Empowered Committee |
G.O. (Ms) No.137 Dt 17.04.2018 |
16 |
Establishment of PMU |
G.O.(Ms) No.174 Dt: 11.05.2017 |
17 |
Project Management Structure - Constitution of Project Steering Committee |
G.O.(2D) No.203 Dt 28.12.2016 |
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Administrative Sanction |
G.O.(Ms) No.217 Dt: 08.09.2016 |